Five Things You Should Know Before Getting Permanent Eyeliner

Deciding to get permanent eyeliner is a commitment.  There are 10% of people who will reject the pigment, meaning it just won’t stay in their skin.  Then, there are those with sensitive eyes who may not realize what they are signing up for.  However, for people who are right for it, the service can be very rewarding.  Here are the five things you need to know before getting permanent eyeliner.

 1.)    Don’t go for a smoky look unless you have thick skin.  People with thin skin ages more quickly and your hot, smokey eyeliner ages with it.  The sides of our faces droop faster so our cute cat eye shape could end up turning down in several years.  Styles should be discussed with your technician.

 2.)   Eyes that are vascular will need to choose eyelash enhancement, which is permanent eyeliner that enhances your lash line.  If your eyes are too veiny, there are risks involved and its much safer to opt for darkening the lash line rather than trying to create a new shape or style.

 3.)   If you have sensitive skin, it may take 2-3 treatments to do your eyeliner.  Because sensitive skin swells up more quickly, you don’t want your technician to keep applying pigment through extreme swelling. The main reason is because the sides may not come out even.  One eye will always swell more than the other so the technician will need to use experience and instinct when deciding if they should proceed or not.

 4.)   If you can handle it, the results are better without numbing agents.  Numbing tends to soften the skin, making it a bit spongy.  This can affect how the permanent eyeliner looks after healing.

 5.)   Your eyes may feel itchy and a little tender for a few days after your treatment.  Icing them a bit right after your service can help.  A small amount of ointment can be used to prevent itching but talk to your technician first.


To book an appointment for permanent eyeliner with STAY. Cosmetics, click here.