Five Characteristics of a Good Lash Artist

It’s very clear that lash extensions are here to stay.  But is the career of a lash artist a lucrative one?  Have you been considering a course, but you aren’t sure it’s worth it?  Well, that depends.  The factors involved include geographical location, market price for that location, experience, and skill.  It’s no secret that the ROI (return on investment) of a lash artist is higher than most beauty services if you are just comparing cost of product to cost of service.  However, depending on how determined an artist is, the actual skill of a lash artist that can make a high return on investment could take more than a year to develop.  While lots of people take lash artist courses, very few end up making it a lucrative business.  While lashes are conceptually easy to learn, they are not so easy physically for the unfocused.  Then, there are other attributes, like just being a good businessperson, that come into play.  Being a person who provides excellence as a priority isn’t easy to find in many businesses but it’s a must with lash extension technicians.  

 A great lash artist is all the following:

1.)   A person who can be focused on small details for a couple of hours at a time without getting frustrated.

2.)   A determined person who believes in excellence when it comes to craft over making a quick buck.

3.)   A person who is honest with themselves about their work and understands how they can justify their price in a competitive market.

4.)   A person who can handle various types of personalities.

5.)   A person with good work ethic who understands that lash extensions are more about repeat business than making beautiful photographs.

If you can check all these boxes, a career as a lash artist is probably for you and a lash course can train you.  And you will probably be very successful.  There are so many great reasons to take a good lash course and get started but ONLY IF you meet the criteria above.  Otherwise, no course can teach you a trick that will make you like your job more.  Lash extensions are simply one of those things that you either like or you don’t.

However, if you do meet the criteria, here are five top reasons you should become a lash artist.

1.)    It’s lucrative.  Once you learn your craft and you gain confidence, you can charge more for your service (for your time) than other services.  Lashes are not something clients can do themselves, not properly anyway, so they depend on you to apply them correctly and help keep their lashes healthy.  Clients are more than happy to pay good money for a great lash service.

2.)   It’s simple.  Lash artistry is less stressful than many beauty services.  Again, once you learn the craft and have a regular clientele, applying lashes can be meditative if you have the right personality for it.

3.)   It’s low risk.  The cost for the products is low compared to many beauty services, so it’s easier to get started without as much of a risk.

4.)   It’s repetitive.  The act of doing lashes is repetitive so every time you apply a lash, you’re getting better at your craft.  It’s also repetitive as far as the clientele.  Because a client’s lashes grow out, she will need to come back every three to four weeks for a fill, meaning you will need less clients to meet your expenses.

5.)   It’s empowering.  Lash extensions are great for both the client and you.  Women empower other women and when you see your client’s as often as lash artists see theirs, you become close and empower one another in a way that other services don’t.  Plus, they make us feel incredibly beautiful so when a client looks in the mirror and loves what she sees, you can feel confident that you can make others feel good about themselves in just under two hours.  It’s instant gratification.


If you’re considering an online lash course, read our next blog to see why you should take our Lash Artistry Comprehensive.